She is a noted authority in nuclear and radiochemistry having guided students at Masters and PhD level for nearly 25 years. Her interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research interests cover the spectrum of chemical, radiochemical and biomedical domains. She obtained her Masters in Sciences having specialized in Organic Chemistry at the age of twenty and she was a top student at the Mumbai University. She obtained her Doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry specializing in Radiochemistry at twenty-five years of age. She has published more than 170 research papers in national and international journals of repute, including nine publications in NASA’s Astrophysical database and has presented papers in national and international conferences and delivered a number of invited talks in various academic forums in colleges, universities and national and international conferences. Under her guidance as many 15 students have obtained Masters and PhDs. She has spoken on a number of platforms as a panelist in order to guide students in their career choices and has contributed career related articles to the leading newspapers of Mumbai.